WHEN I was a little late grandfather told me a story that flies in the face every time I meditate I see the very character as a society and our traditions. The story itself was thus:
Once upon a time there were three passengers, passenger first being called GOATS, SHEEP Reverend second and third Reverend dog. They boarded a bus headed to their own needs. Both of them seemed harmless and very decent amount of lean kutomtia doubts. Konda did not claim Makonda fare early as our bus fares are vyotudai before we even stayed the same or even when we are very banana. They do not trust us.
After a short distance of the first passenger GOATS said 'I have arrived'. The driver stopped the car. GOATS went down with lean civilized hoping this will pay the fare on the ground. Hardly! Goat ran out! Konda he wanted to dismiss but passengers said to lean sheep 'you tuchelewesha, I paid the mie abandoned him. People are our soon '.
The car went on the course was a passenger SHEEP said 'I have arrived'. This time he did not wait to come down to lean down and demanded his fare and GOATS. SHEEP gave its fare and GOATS. Akateremka for assuming, procedures to other passengers, including the dog they complained.
Konda kumharakisha gentleman did not want him left him to come down from the shelf. Vehicle likashika course, was dog and said 'I have arrived'. Konda did not wait to come down, he still remembers the passenger freak GOATS. He claimed his fare; without absorbent dog gave a great note. Konda said to descend am going to give your change down. He ordered the vehicle to lean Aliposhuka march would give passengers change his dog!
When he got there he asked his grandfather who can give me what the meaning of this story? So to answer as many of our childhood. Some passengers GOATS praising for his cunning, calling him a thief! Others laughed at his ridiculous dog for others sympathetic to the oppressed! Others saw him as a wealthy sheep violence while others saw as misinformed love praise!
Babu said're all the same! But this story teaches that your child works will live with all your life here on earth! Akatuonya build good character from our childhood that we continue to live and behave like him in our old age.
Babu went on to be the means to today GOATS he saw a car race, for fear he ruffled arrest for fare evasion old! Sheep to be paid the day GOATS until he saw the car leave the road quickly! The driver will blow the horn to co-counsel wee! Every dog he sees vehicle lifukuza claiming his change. He's already said nyagwe and aumie or die so long to show his anger for injustice!
This story somehow parallels the future of our nation Tanzania. Who Will depth goats, sheep and dog in our society?
Let's start with a detailed GOATS: There are among us have climbed then called TANZANIA but all the time in the trip they considered how to travel without paying the fare. Kavyomwibia often think how they lean, the owner of the vehicle, and if possible even fellow passengers. This group keeps growing in small but then called TANZANIA.
There are those who steal from the wallets of lean (the Bank). There are those who plunge fingers into the pockets of fellow passengers (DESI, ROSCAs, etc.). There are those who want to steal fabric seats then (suppliers of natural resources). There are those who want to seize the day declines may plunder Kabali car driver tires, engine; and other equipment (those who enter high-risk contracts), etc. As long as the depth of their mind GOATS is on the unjust. Morning, afternoon, evening and night, sun or rain they abuse!
These were lean surprise that their behavior within a particular bus trip began 1960 were good. They paid the fare undisturbed. Their habits of violence occurred when the driver decided to retire early and later in the month and he loved God more than his passenger, and called him.
Lo! Once these properties vary considerably passengers suddenly! But as a rule, no one can ever without kushtukiwa unjust as no human being who can withstand shock without ever being oppressed!
This group of deep GOATS fear now is living a great life! Life offended! Whenever they see then they feared not only lean but also fellow passengers! Anxiety increases when they see signs of the bus driven by a new driver! They do not know the new driver will stop the bus so comprehensible or not!
These deep insights you'll membrane was delirious own, was' aa film you guys were advised us not to pay the fare! You are scales must tukuvueni that you advised us wrong! First you guys fare you pay was greater disapproves's why he forgives lean fellow passengers tusakama fare although we fired many years ago! Why all these years we have not thrown a fare chachamaa this amount? It scales you guys, get out! '
GOATS of these in, waking up the morning they went to the main bus stand eating free! Nadra hit by a car! But the situation is now running loose all they see approaching bus to arrive at the center (2015)! Can we expect will see them running loose GOATS how then linavyochanja park towards the main bus stand!
Turn to deep SHEEP. These are the ones who have managed to loot now have tiptoed. They collaborate closely with extensive GOATS. These SHEEP GOATS their blood and blood! Millions of pounds they call cents. When people say you bought a house for 700 million they say why it was only 400 million to 400 million, as though not across the Terrible.
Others dared to tell fellow passengers, if necessary, the grass provided they buy a luxury car to shun bad then! Others entered the bus with nuclear weapons and a pistol around his waist.
One of the main characteristics of sheep and their families the right to buy our organs administering justice. Wakikikosea invite you bidi you are sorry. Wanajeuri telling fellow passengers on the bus that they'd not want to run the same nadereva hundred years if necessary even though others say the driver bat smelling! Seat one person they are compelled to sit in threes so that they and their families remain in the shelf inside the bus! Passengers complained that their very Manyana will say 'you guys lazy thinking'! As long as they are violent one style.
A sheep model. They depend on the thickness of the skull thinking (Adidas Cemetery was wrong when he said simply use the hips!)
For the sheep stand except by virtue of these sheep passed booty they collected the synergy of millions if not billions; they disdain the money! They pay people to smirk at these fares are praised by fellow passengers especially passengers carrying holy books!
SHEEP violence master! Wanatinga houses of worship as is the living room of their homes! You who uwakatalie? You do not want money! You want to collect offerings hundred years before you can buy a new car? Believing themselves give change that even a child who cut inside then receive these days!
Violence gives them confidence that they are able to call the court to ensure the driver comes they give them! And passing puncture will go to their garages (the parliament and its committees sensitive)! Passengers were hungry then is going to stand in their hotel (party)! Passengers wanting to attack the driver to speed or lean toward the armpit odor will then command it to go to intermediaries (FFU)! As long as all the services of the bus and give their passengers. B
Manat bad for their disdain of these sheep on the road forget that violence may be the death of them! They forget their fellow passengers were very upset they can plunder the steering wheel and braid them and kuwapondelea runs away! They forget that their driver might be bored or inattentive not to set foot brakes; if you knock and ask Mie AIGA NgeeJa. Closing the driver brakes now groans ulcers.
Traders evil is part of a comprehensive and sheep; is the relationship of 'reciprocal'. Businessmen give money and sheep traders ensure they have committed to import spare parts, fuel and bus tires to great advantage. And they forget that violence does not last for ever since sages said pride is not gentlemen. Their fate will not be different from that of extensive sheep.
They forget also that a person using violence to make money, make money on the foundation inapomwishia finds very disgraceful among communities. Hudhalilika more experienced poor! Forever is the wealth of acquired legally and you osadia who were endowed.
Look SABODO, CHANDE, NDESAMBURO, etc. Are living examples! Then watch them deep giants turned Teni INTERRUPTION MA-OUT, THE ANDY change and others of the same kind you get the picture! If not every day clubfoot and all the way up then they pass out of the 'Cities', 'Cities' persist even if they may share a synergy Vatican!
All sheep must remember with disdain, sheep die a terrible death; kanyomolewa tail was alive (confiscation minister); kajipigiza violence was only on the wall dead (arrested if bribes are noble eye condition or abuse of office)! Akichinjwa is harvested until the wee spaced fuel and human flesh ayatumie long after dead sheep (stolen property nationalized)!
Nani's deep wish Pesa Third, Mie Kapa, counted, and others will jump to Pilate? Your writing side of the bus; SHEEP eyes should see and read!
Recently I had the opportunity to see one sheep who brought the conflict in Guinea Conakry. Right now he has taken refuge at Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. I could not believe my eyes when shown that this is the ram, who overthrew armies in style and let the others flock to rape pregnant mothers! Kachokaaa! Anatazamwa and citizens (DOGS third grade) of Burkina Faso as a farce! Face full of modesty, is waving hand nobody restored sheep greeting the buffoon. YOU recall?
Captain Moussa Dadis Camara! He drove a coup to seize power only six hours after the death of President Lansana Conte was even a constitution prescribes the procedure to be used when the president dies. Lansana died of disease. For his sheep this Captain refused to attend the funeral of Lansana even though the leaders of neighboring countries attended! That day he and the others felt the day following the appropriate keys to luxury cars from a businessman who was a friend of Lansana! Sheep alarming rate!
These now deep DOGS DO? These are three types of dog. The first type of dog they are those who sit on a bus full of age old tyranny accustomed detected until all buses around so.
They were told by their colleagues 'my stuff into our bus is not the same' refuse. 'My driver kalewa', the first film api praise him for telling 'driver stomped fat! You see fellow passengers are heretics They do not want to hear the news quite demanding their change. Wanaaminishwa depth of goats and sheep on the moon that these are God wanted it to be.
Rarely extensive sheep paying the fare (election period) in order to remain loyal. These are stray dogs, they get a good meal at one to five years and all the other time to roam majalalani seeking crumbs. They will not see them lifukuzia then demand change! But this group of dog may change likipata MUAMSHO (but not that of kuleee Maskati!). Pardonable as likijirudi.
The second group of dog is very dangerous group. This is a group of dog with the understanding that the police had come by Keko (schools and colleges). Dog with these understandings with regard to their stomachs but have decided to cooperate with detailed unjust goats and sheep dog peers.
This group decided deliberately to achieve deep injustice done by sheep and goats. These are all the corners of the bus to ensure comprehensive GOATS they stepped on the bus without paying the fare and extensive SHEEP fulfill their disdain for money. They know between DOGS Which begged hump, Which begged the spleen, bones and atupiwe Which separated asote who goes hungry. For this work they are thrown fillets. Mara is thrown fileti (cabinet), once the liver (RC), was spleen (DC), was beef tongue (parliament), was the meat mixture (the message of the Committee or the Executive) and was Makongoro (messages secretariat) .
If this seems Cluster dog to sit him on the bus will bring chaos then given skin he sell out to let (the embassy). This group is a danger that has enough knowledge but that knowledge linaitumia suppress their dog. These are kabisaa do not want to hear about demanding change!
They see then they lay down they yawn! If they see their fellow dog chase then they laughed and mocked! 'Aaa where they will be able, then, does this itself, this then seeing a mediocre, gumuu'! These dog dogs forget their particular group of three dog they saw and they will not forget their betrayal.
No blackmail bad as your brother's blood! Their education and their cleverness in it thou shalt give immunity to the future. Happy colleagues who have seen this and opt advance (ask Mie Nimeliya).
DOGS group of these three do not siraa! Wanabweka night and day! Wanabweka even before then showed up! So they made it likiwakaribia road crying Njaramba they subiru kulifukuzia! They do not mind dust or rain! They are willing to die to assert their change (note Arusha and Songea).
Children vulnerable to claim their change! Aliyewadhulumu is the tool that moves faster they walked to their lungs! Few among those who got on the bus they are overwhelmed to be on the bus who agreed with their dogs comprehensive and detailed SHEEP GOATS are many more of them. The bus driver is kabisaa he, goats and sheep and ring finger! These dog handful of third Group in the bus, they bawl are thrown out of the bus through the window.
Detailed goats, sheep and dog of the first group and the second inside the bus even more DOGS barking of a group of three do not suffer termination on the bus, but they praised the good work of protecting property master!
But these DOGS third grade have no reason to despair. You must add barking and chasing their change all that and it then. No bus that can last forever as there is no abuse that can live forever! Moreover philosophers tujuvya that the age of tyranny and arrogance worthy of the time who have been oppressed or vulnerable have ratified oppressed or ignored. When they say 'now then', injustice and arrogance reaches end immediately.
This is the philosophy of the physical and kihostoria, will happen even if the depth goats, sheep and dog of the first group and a third do not want or do not agree with it.
I thank my late grandfather as his story this has taught me a lot but the biggest live as third-class dog from my childhood! Ure Elder God bless!
- See more at: http://www.raiamwema.co.tz/hadithi-ya-mbuzi-kondoo-na-mbwa-na-mustakabali-wa-tanzania#sthash.RFruqILK.dpuf
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