Saturday, March 19, 2016


If you subscribe being said in terms of empowerment, it is at the level of the family or group, especially of mothers although youth are also involved, you find particles Dispersed about the real meaning of empowerment, for this is different from how a person sends out 'analysis' of a project seeking a bank loan, or if you already are an entrepreneur, involved a project as part of a sales order, 'transaction,' etc. You find that more What is looked for in these projects the level of family groups is the desire to do what is necessary, to achieve, what he wants.
The foundation of empowerment is the proximity of one another, or in cases where the authorities inajivua cortex distance, u-government and begin to be almost emotionally involved with, or iliochagua cooperate with them. It is one important difference between a government department and groups liberal social, that these departments (along with some of its institutions, including cooperatives, banks of different types) yanamchuja person to their needs to be met, they looked in detail as it meets the requirements of what that the institution seeks. Real empowerment begins with a completely different feeling.
At the family level, enabling commences in need of sustenance or pleasure, where provision exists but there is a commitment and ability to increase income and ensure better future, and not just sit at home. It is a level that no 'primaries' as the relationship provides ready responsibilities to co applicable, and that is why he had no intention of facilitating, of 'primaries' as he is weighing is not the goal, but the joy and the realization of him, with him. And it's a feeling like that which governs kuunmdwa to neighborhood groups.
In such a basic thing is that the perpetrators are neighbors, and each of them needs to improve his livelihood, and their neighbors have the goal of mutual empowerment, not kusadiana where the money comes from one direction, but to facilitate rotation. That is why to create groups 'experience in relevant' in pay, and to satisfy itself about the course of business, the envy handling cash, with the aim to become a reality, not ingiliwe and rotate the unprecedented restriction. Empowerment is identical to the formation, in contrast to filtering.
The amazing thing is that most of the financial transactions or currently available Benji started up in an effort to have the enabling financial institutions, and the pilgrims are not alone. The filter became state-of zikaitwa is banks 'commercial,' then those aimed at facilitating zikaitwa albeit somewhat limited capital institutions, and other future zikaitwa community. These latter are generally business, have the same feature of filtering, but limit the scope, they are people of the area known, rooted there, which generally can be monitored and they do not even checked more closely.
So many collections of financial transactions consists interactions and a sense of community in some ways, different from the commercial perspective would inject particles duty or quest of one sort or another. This sense of responsibility and effort to achieve income-generating activities at one level or another is basically enabling particles, but only have tufauti levels of involvement. For example, community banks are dedicated to a particular area, but are not able to identify the individual, when that is the precursor cells in real empowerment, its starting point. Outside know someone, wish him good, feel the need to try, commitment to empowerment lacks credibility, when it is the only business there, start with the primaries.
Unlike the mission is relevant as well as attitudes about capital in these two areas, to be capitalized in connection primaries are financed with the spirit of profit, that is the business for the offender, and that is why he needs to be very careful, lest he give the capital the same ' the wrong person. ' In a mission of empowerment, capital is as a special category of facilitating development, or in a slightly different way, to increase the level of happiness there are differences, whether among colleagues or neighbors, are successfully raising activities earning income, ensure a mandatory requirement, disease subside and even the possibility of local robberies clears future. Youth who are undertaking studies to technical and then begin certain activities are seldom stay in groups, smoking marijuana, steal or rape, and daughter laden with lesson plans and activities beneficial may further defying easy money to enter, an exquisitely vulnerable to prostitution, etc.

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