We invest a significant percentage of our time in the madness
IN almost all African countries, the election period is the season of course. It's time for groups of people to do all sorts of conspiracy in order to win, you are victorious legitimate or illegitimate.
The electoral period is the period of people indulge in acts of deception, fraud, theft, corruption, and oppression, lies, trickery, uzabizabina, hate, magic, and everything you can think of as evil. It makes us time, we Africans, quite tushushe value of our being, we sell our souls and the power of darkness tujisabili of all kinds.
It makes us lose carelessly over the mind and logic, we should not even be able to use common sense. We are punguwani, insanity and misukule to serve the project of the season. I had already write that this is a period in which we tend to put our minds into account unused in order to share in the elections, when we promised to return to liberate the election is over.
For how we all look experienced trauma, it is good luck that the periods of elections does not exist every year, for as it would every year we go into this kind of trauma, after twenty years we had all we deserve deployment Mirembe like mad.
However we have not fully recovered. Amid periods of five years national elections, Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) is having its internal elections of the party. Now, even the other parties and they set a procedure to make local elections.
Until recently, the opposition parties warn you motivated in local elections. But as multiplying gain strength and consolidate, the more they will start to have the same emotions inayokikumba-ruling party today.
This is due to what emotions? The main reason is that in Africa, politics is the biggest business. This is a business that can be done by anyone regardless of his abilities, personalities myself, nor knowledge that he has, as long as he can blink his mouth while supplying all kinds of decay.
The main objective becomes to "win" the election in any way possible regardless of the rights of those we compete with them. In many countries, the election period is a time for people kuchinjana because of discrimination and separation on the basis of their ethnicity and their religion.
Therefore, if we want to estimate how much of the madness we invest in our mind, we can begin to ask yourself the following questions and answers are like what I have stated here. First, over the past five years we have how many months? The answer is that we have 60 months to sixty months how many days? The answer is 4,800 days.
The next question will be, in the past 60 months how many months applies to the polls? The answer will be that in which the election takes place all 12 months are used for election-related activities, since people are saying "take form"; they zitembeza; are filled; are reinstating; comprise the campaign teams; they began the campaign; collect money; they sell their family homes; oppose their opponents and kill them if necessary; rang votes counted; plundered and who fail to vote are declared winners; who won complain and protest; call the police tear gas and some of them die; finally the state of "stability" is restored but many are walking and resentment. All this takes approximately 360 days of madness.
If we add years of elections within the major parties, which are the other 360 days of madness. Therefore, we can say that those who are directly involved in the general elections and local elections of parties, a total of 720 days out of 1,800 days (five years) spent in the madness. That is to say, we spent approximately forty percent (40%) of our time in the madness.
In 60 percent of the time that remains, we have put off several percent is taken by other factors unrelated to the choice of the absurd. Several percent is considered poor and in our education systems, for the children to go to school without learning anything worthwhile. Other graft percent considered mainstream in every sector of activity of the country. Other itapotelea in non-productive activities, and have serious consequences, as the use of drugs, alcoholism, and corrupted normal. Could we add the percentages all these, we found fewer than 10 percent and we yoiwekeza in meaningful activities.
If that is true, even if it would have been half my count, who is surprised that we do not wage stages of development? If that percentage of your time is spent in strangeness and uzezeta, what time you left that you can use if you do things the mind?
Take a look at the previous election last year. Until now the election is completed. Jecha Salim Jecha, Chairman of the Zanzibar Electoral Commission, he followed the trail of the islands. Now he has announced the date of new elections. Opponents have said they will not participate in new elections, stressing that the commission knows who won October elections and they urged the commission imtangaze.
So we have entered another period of "pull-of-war" in Zanzibar, and means that the percentage of insanity is increasing. No one knows exactly what will happen in the islands, but we should learn from history that the disaster can be quite happen due to this phase of insanity.
In Dar es Salaam still councilors are pulling about who should be mayor of the city. Every kind of decadence is done by hand so that the characters are in favor of defeat. Applied here is hooliganism and cunning, not intelligence, logic or wisdom. Since the commercials began to tell us, "Be sneaky!"'ve Abandoned mental decadence we embrace.
Signs that even in other options force the ruling party-zi quite clear victory. If the party demanding that clearly seems to invalidate the election results at the local level when all we see, why should itakayotufanya be convinced that the portfolio is not to force the result the same?
Already we have several examples of citizens in some areas that compels managers to announce the election results, which they yahatamia. Although the outcome had already found, these managers had refused to lay down awaiting instructions "from the highest levels. ''
Options of this kind can not bear rule meaningful, because the regime will be attributed to subtle processes and irrational, illegal processes. Moreover, the options of this type are increasingly spreading behavior of aggression, stealing, lying and rotting All I cited above to exceed reduce the amount of peace that exists among us.
It is also an alarming sign of how we fail to treat each other right. We acknowledge the wily and begged the tyrant at what he wants regardless of whether he has the right to get it or not. The choice of this kind is not a choice but an exercise of hooligans linalotupeleka unfriendly, because it keeps teaching us all to be hooligans.
We saw the state of Zanzibar, where racist words tolerated by the heads of state; We have witnessed how people were vyouwawa our country in 2001 and presumably refugees for the first time. We know, or ought to know, that the current situation could completely restore us there, but we assume you have.
We are going to regret.
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