Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Nilichoshuhudia choice Coastal Union

My teacher Ernest rabbit, served to teach me to be the author of the article does not use the first person, that is to say I did this or I go here. But today I have asked to consent to my editor asked to violate procedure because the flow of this article no matter concerns areas.Last weekend, there was a general election oldest football club in Tanga, Coastal Union (Wagosi Household).I was among the candidates but my name was cut, there may be no negligence was made or things did not go right.I have no problem with that because I am convinced that even those who have won goodwill as I had before me. Perhaps I missed some parameters. That is real democracy.Faith is a Muslim and at the moment we are on the fast of the Holy Month of Ramadan, so if there are lies I said then God will judge me.Election procedures were introduced two months ago, everything was heralded as required and reports were adopted without manipulation.Those who applied were taken consent form and return it, there are some who began to pray a lot and there are some who remain silent each spent its way.That is normal, but the tragedy began on election day, July 5 (Saturday).Originally ikutangazwa member will be required to have proof of how to strike a lot, this implies that the candidates did not.But the night before election day zikasambaa reported to be without identification new rations to be distributed at the venue of choice, (Auditorium Police Tanga) and without identification will be required to show receipts to the bank along with the receipt of the club to show that he has paid the membership fee.There were surprises and some who ceased believing zitawatosha bank receipts commit their right to enter the courtyard.Candidates for the position of chairperson Dr. Ahmed Twaha (who is now the new chairman) and Steven Mnguto also agreed to the procedure.Even members and activists of these two camps also said the same. Remember, for two consecutive years the club has been in critical condition mindset, everyone is attracted to him and everyone feels better than another.There are those who come off and be eaten by the sins of discrimination must clearly state that teams want to be given the Arabs so they will be ready to see it.I heard with my ears one of the members, saying, "it is impossible clubs want kuiahamishia city will bear highway 11. The team want to give the Arabs we Swahili will be granted what is not possible that (he mentioned the name of the candidate for the chairmanship) gets no votes will kill the sea."It did not matter much, because I know someone fled to the concept of racism has run out of arguments, I was calm all the time watching the conduct of the election you go. Elections were scheduled for five o'clock the morning, but I have already been three o'clock conference hall.I found an Act and Membership Director of the Tanzania Football Federation (TFF), who on that day was the supervisor of elections Eliud Mvela announces procedure to enter the courtyard.He said, "The procedure has changed, I have seen these cards zoshika person I mentioned the name will deliver then will be reviewed to enter the courtyard. I know there will fault, no problem; a bank should show a receipt showing that you have to pay a membership fee and then you go to a club registered with the Secretary of the club and got a receipt."Then you go to the door verified in the membership list if your name is, you will become a member valid and allowed to vote," said Mvela and hand clapping.There I learned, were a splinter group called the group 'was restored,' and participated clapping. It means they consented to the procedure because there was no other way TFF administrator who uttered these words you will be mad objected.Names yakaitwa for at least two consecutive, unfortunately there are more than 70 or 100 members were caught out cards, mobile but had mentioned documents means they have the legitimacy to enter the meeting.Mvela suddenly stood up again and change the order after some whispering and outgoing leaders. This time it was about the sixth hour and a half day. "Allow me to tell me anew, with no card can be allowed to enter, the procedure has changed."That's where the violence began, mminyano Great happens until he appeared member of TFF Tanga Region, Khali asked what is there, he heard reports saying it is impossible should consist with valid documents and receipts to the bank to enter the court, they began to be allowed to enter me, including me.While delegates made a similar announcement was made that people go to pray, let us four o'clock flower again.After the prayer, the members returned to the court, but while we are preparing to vote other whispers broke out, I lifted eyes I saw the chairman of the Football Association of Tanga Region, Said Soud arguing with Mvela.I did not know they chobishania but it liliwakera members began lectures, Soud approached and told members not recognize the elections and came out. After five minutes of discussion the main table, Mvela and cry arose who put their hands up on the card.Wakanyoosha we unprofitable and cards we remain silent, we were told to go before we jadiliwe. That surprised me because we already shayajadili by consensus, the most amazing Mvela he was the first to call the non-receipt card to enter.Did not want to be interviewed, I and my fellow candidate of the mission we went out, and the others followed us without a card. After a candidate reins Mnguto and he followed us what happened is that candidates for the remaining seven porch and space were required is more than that number, it means it was passed unanimously by the position of vice chairman was one and was unopposed, the position of chairman remained Dk. Twaha and passed unanimously.That is what I lolishuhudia in Sunday's election, TFF study to be careful with club options causing rifts and download dedicated fans, even football defies the status because ushundani lacking from a secret meeting a few consumers.Situations like this happening today with Coastal Union, tomorrow and after tomorrow it could happen to other clubs. TFF are required to bridge the chasm before building wall.

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