Tuesday, March 22, 2016

These efforts TFF zisiishie way

Recently while athletes who participated Tanzania African Championship 'All African Games' they returned empty-handed from Congo-Brazzaville, many Tanzanians who were not happy. Force returned empty-handed to a sense of closure in all six games that Tanzania participated. There are those who have faith that maybe women soccer team, Twiga Stars' could do better because the camp lasted one month in Zanzibar ikacheza preparation for a friendly game against Kenya. Linazikumba serious problem that our team is not having enough preparation, there zinapotaka prepare and international sports. But also there are sometimes we lack the national league for some games that could help visually talent through the competition of the game is concerned. One of the things that some sports stakeholders have been casting noise includes the relevant sports authorities have a consistent strategy of seeking sponsors for helping to raise various talent competitions. Recently Tanzania Football Federation (TFF), has been successful in getting sponsors in favor of the First Division League and FA Cup Championship. But also the president of the federation, said that Jamal Malinzi are underway to seek a sponsor for the women's league. These are the things that football game partners were wanted to see for a long time from within the federation. I remember I had to talk to the president Malinzi when he assumed office, he told me that one of the things he will be doing in office include finding sponsors to present the many tournaments for football talents recovery. Perhaps this is his time now. Wretched mnyongeni, but give it right. With this sponsorship was acquired to date, there is a need for TFF commend such efforts. Working people in the federation's marketing collateral to promote a football begins to appear. In this process we can revive this country's football and forget about the closure of our team and especially frequent them are involved in an international tournament. For a long time First Division League was running without a sponsor of any kind. This situation made it the league to be played provided as lacking gravity and fail to achieve its objectives. It's better in the league to find a sponsor who is a Star Times Media Company who have offered 900 million for a period of three years. This is a good start. Azam Media have also been able to bail out of the FA Premier League, which also deleted in the past due to lack of sponsors. TFF marketing department still has the challenge of continuing to encourage other operators for access to other donors. League submerged and sponsors are the only major league mainland. First division has its importance due to produce players who later ascended to the Premier League and even playing other teams. What needs to be done is to fix deficiencies that existed previously. For example, there have been complaints of judges, but also even some fans and players make a mess when their team zinapofungwa. This is the time to take care of discipline and avoid the emission characteristics that will certainly bring a bad image in our football. After getting the new sponsors of the league, now things should change. From now on First Division League will be shown on television, which the state will provide an opportunity for players to bid. This will be a good point, where for the team that had the league owners have turned out like that, for fixing, fix them the situation. All day First Division League becomes highly competitive. The first incorporates many teams compared to the Premier League. It has 24 teams which are only three that are supposed to climb the bridge. TFF sponsors should ensure that these funds are used as planned in the agreement to continue to inspire others to invest in football. The watch can be a good plan but its executives appeared they want to knock. Be strict in order to protect the honor of his institution. It is obvious that a trustee is not enough to run the league, but first class participating teams recognize there should be access to other sponsors will be attributed to them, when they shall make the league better, highly competitive and acceptable standards. At TFF envision the possibility of getting other sponsors, the club and they should not be complacency, but also to strike a sponsor. TFF efforts now appear and so there is a need for other partners to support them in this. The presence of many tournaments and the best is the only way to visually talented players because they find part to show their abilities.

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