Saturday, March 19, 2016



IN the years following the Arusha Declaration, there was a lot of turmoil in promoting Kiswahili, and one was to prepare the vocabulary of science, and on the particular business. The goal was to be used for the same vocabulary in lessons that contain books or academic instruction in English, is generally assumed to be vikiandikwa Swahili yataelewka more such studies. Thus began the business of building vocabulary in many areas and many of the words used now started at the same establishment.
The situation is ikuondoa original state that activation of the words often attributed to destiny only in conversation and especially in the writing of a novel or poetry, appeared to be entering a word jpya. For example Master brought word abdicate saying that is a word that was used as Zanaki that is Kiswahili, and remained there. There is likely to be the architects of the words in the official forums as BAKITA or IKR on the Mount, or other speakers with status or another, they will be entered into the vocabulary word entrepreneurship.
What we see in this word is the concept of resilience, which begins to bring suspense, find themselves exactly where they're confident, because the ordinary meaning of the word courage is to dare to enter or high-risk activity, due to certain objectives that are important. The word courage as well as it needs to be good social activity, so if it happens any risk or use someone like that is called a hero, for example soldier dies in battle. When a person makes the risky activities not beneficial to society, for example robberies, not called brave.
In this sense, the writer of this word was meant to kujipongeza as he was speaking, or congratulate someone if he was named for the dare, dare, yielding (and not a suicide, it sha). There are details of courage and also referred to the clear, despite being aware that speaking the same courage, he would like an exaggeration. Ukivusha the concept of courage became very detailed, it begins to lose meaning, whether whimsical.
So the entrepreneur is a brave little, can not be called a hero because he will not die in search zamiwi property since no dying selling items, unless there is a crime, who are not confident socially. But if you come in prisons or hear people whose relatives or neighbors have a person who has been closed he went to jail and he explained they speak there, obviously their logic is different from the community, because their crime is "finding life," that is entrepreneurship. It's the same corruption among police or 'corruption' in government, embezzlement is 'finding life,' Call us entrepreneurship.
However, that being said, unfortunately kinauganisha rogue vendor or founder of any activity, it dared to something, that is to stop what you are doing every day, well assured, assertive start something else. Courage is in the knowledge that no business every region and totally sure of success, and it is expected or possible depression when people start business activities. The concept of entrepreneurship supports the commitment to give someone incentives, to give the bridge a dare, not guesswork, wabangaizaji.
University of Dar es Salaam who years from ninety they operate joint Swahili instead of the traditional English began to use the word 'wabangaizaji' speaking class 'toil' instead of the word Reverend Christopher Mtikila, 'proletariat.' While not all 'toil' is mbangaizaji, since he can be sure when mbangaizaji income unsure of income - as they waited to be sent, to be called, Needed, or achuuze incidentally, entrepreneurship is different. Hauelekezi feeling in sweat, and avoiding and even oppose 'ubangaizaji' which means the person does not know what he's doing, he just guessed.
Entrepreneurship has the essence of his courage and his creativity in the detection of market needs, is required to be comprehensive, not as nonexistent except example necessary to further quantity or in a different way. That is why entrepreneurship is hurt by the same cell kinachouwezesha be of importance, namely the inability to see the difference between dared to engage in certain activities, and overcrowding only in such activity. People pojazana not necessarily inspire some sustenance, but you have to be tough competition and some wapangue'll leave. One succeeded to stay in the area was chosen to ensure the provision is an entrepreneur who has succeeded; He failed retains mbangaizaji (that would trade millions) to succeed. Siri entrepreneurship are enabling businesses to be sustainable; courage is available as a hat or earrings when someone he had succeeded, then he will be recognized. Before they find are alone or openly trying, even though he thought it only mbangaizaji.

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