Citizen of Burundi who recognized the name of Buchumi Joel (39), has died after suffering an illness with symptoms similar to Ebola, including bleeding different parts of his body.
Doctors, nurses and relatives who are ministering to the sick, have been placed under intensive care for 21 days as a precautionary measure, while waiting to receive answers sample tests to determine whether it is true or not Ebola.
Speaking to journalists yesterday, the doctor of the International Organization dealing with Migrants (IOM), Dr. Laurian Beda, said Joel entered in 2012 and live Kigoma refugee camp Nyarugusu, Kasulu District in Kigoma region for three years along with his family.
He said the camp while he was suffering from an illness, so July 28 in traveled to Kigoma Urban and his family to be transported by IOM to the United States.
"At Kigoma, reached in hostels Hotel Nzimano, but July 31 of this year began suffering bleeding through the body the mouth, gums and eyes, and in August 8, this year his condition worsened, then the leadership of the organization was decided to send in Kigoma Regional Hospital of Maweni for further treatment, "said Beda.
Acting Physician General Hospital Maweni, Dr. Shija Ganai, confirmed acceptance of the patient and placed him eighth ward, but as they continue to treat her, last night his condition changed for the worse, and died early.
"Based on these indications, we think the disease can be Ebola, so we took their tests samples for further investigation and bring them to the main national laboratory for tests to identify the disease that caused his death," he said.
Dk. Ganai, yesterday told the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), that the symptoms of the sick do not prove directly that he was suffering from Ebola.
Question: There are reports that the event of a dead person to Edola, Kigoma, this is how much truth?
Answer: This event is true, although at rates that confirm the disease, its symptoms are not enough to prove that he was suffering from Ebola. In a group of diseases with symptoms similar to Ebola, there are 18, including Ebola, but patients with symptoms shown by this, does not prove that it is sick of Ebola.
Q: He was sick and what symptoms?
Answer: He was bleeding from the mouth, eyes bloodshot, a nurse who was ministering confirmed that he was bleeding from the eyes, was very restless, but did not have a fever.
This man Nyarugusu They went camping, but not among those newly arrived refugees. When packed up camp, some refugees were relocated and this is one of the refugees who came from the camp of Mtabila transferred Nyarugusu camp, has three years he was there Nyarugusu camp.
There are signs that all whether there be, even before laboratory tests, we can say that we feel is Ebola, but for this the symptoms do not prove, although we have taken the tests, but its symptoms are already zinamwondoa this patient on a group of Ebola, but are among the diseases that cause patient bleeding in some of his nature.
Q: If it is Ebola, what Tanzania is prepared to deal with this disease?
Answer: As is proved, we have a plan for the region that we created in collaboration with the ministry, in that we prepare materials, medicines and keeping that part of the disease.
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