Saturday, March 19, 2016



IS business saying you otahadharisha provider that 'the customer is king,' which every merchant or service provider business should consider that his affairs go well. Meanwhile infahamika that the principle of justice for everyone is key, which means that the service provider is not able to reduce his rights to his own consent, and even her employer will have trouble clotting thought to remove the right of an employee to offer services accordingly. For both the client and the employee remains with their honor.
Now when everyone remains polite and no one on another, this aspect of the customer being king is a lesson real or only objection? It's easy to say it is a sweet language of business to be wawadhanie people are very honest, when these languages ​​are attracting buyers in order to profit, there would be different and introduces terms like "pay first, 'or' Do not cry, 'etc. However, it seems the answer is simple, as the phrase is used everywhere and it's not easy for any trader impunity its customers have emotions.
It means that this expression indicates only service provider can not be independent in his work as he is independent in his usual themes, and language, for example of the late Mwalimu Nyerere, says "as being his wife." Within the four walls of his home a man can do what he pleases, since it is the area with the provision and not the search for it, so he uses that is in a pocket or assigning wants. When it comes to seeking sustenance, the layout is different, where now he wants to be 'client.' to have humility in front of 'richer' wake.
Someone in the store to buy something or any area of ​​service, he is rich and who provides that service or sell a product is 'client' for the needy, and not that of buying something - which means it remains there. This means that every service provider or product seller knows that every client or buyer has its importance, and often resembling yanayowachukuza. That is not an easy character to certain employee imkasirishe particular client, never come to hate the other.
That is the meaning of the phrase 'fish one to see corruption all have decayed,' in the sense that someone entered a certain area of ​​service annoyed about something, he will not say, 'I came to the petrol station and found one guy with a language of violence,' but 'facility of fuel the curriculum; very violent. ' And not only have the common speech unites 'who were there and who were' but implies a concept which also is quite correct, that the level of language or discipline one employee in the area of ​​services or sell products provides image discipline entire area.
Reasons are of two types, the first of which is specifically targeted at that saying, that the level of discipline in the center is very low, so ukuenda access services that are easy persecuted needlessly destroy your day. Others are more comprehensive, that behavior can be not the source of the inside, that is compatible with the character of the theme of the work area for interaction between employees, which later jioyesha customers. It means workers who have cut languages ​​among them unable to serve customers in gentler language just because '' the customer is king. ' Language arises only mandatory.
WAK behavior among workers in general in line with the general direction of their work, the level of language that he himself sees appropriate, a situation that creates a standard feature in the work area. When the controller is a shortcut language, it is not easy ijengeke idea that language can use part of the work is not good, as the operator of the facility or service is the 'role model' manifestation of standards. Since it can not be silenced by man, the coupon rate is the talk becomes a model, reducing the amount ndhamu.
For the expression 'customer is king' is just a precaution, that the service provider should never see the customer as a passer, but a man who is able to raise or lower income or service center for that day. In the presence of a service provider that vex people, soon will have several people with some annoyance kushuhusia hurt it, and almost all will be avoided going there, because 'the customer is king,' he chooses where he might care. He can not begin to think maybe he're going to go to the facility last month because they need the benefits!

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