Monday, March 21, 2016

A loan of 574 billion / - feared to be chewed

THERE is a possibility that a loan of 574 billion shillings which the government took the World Bank (WB) has been misused and that the government now plans to renew to borrow again, it has been learned.
Zilikopwa these funds for a project to improve the country's agricultural sector involving seven regions. Associated regions are Mbeya, Ruvuma, Iringa, Manyara, Njombe, Shinyanga and Geita.
Among other things, the project was intended to reduce the price of food, the use of improved seeds and modern inputs and the construction of a fertilizer factory making Minjingu, Manyara.
Speaking at a meeting between the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Cooperatives and the Parliamentary Committee on Public Accounts (PAC) held in the Parliament Office in Dar es Salaam yesterday, the Secretary General of the Ministry, Sophia Kaduma, admitted the project will be many challenges and he said now come with an alternative strategy.
According to Kaduma, currently located in strategic ministries of changing the system by focusing on those who lend to farmers vinavyokopesheka groups.
However, the statement of Kaduma aroused by Nkasi North MP (CCM), Ally Kessy, who said in no farmer groups capable of creditworthiness and that the aim of the characters is corrupted more money.
"These funds have been allocated as a package offering of JK (Jakaya Kikwete) was done. First they choose what they want their regions. For example, in this project, Rukwa Region is lacking.
"About the farmer groups, Tanzania does not exist. Where are the groups of farmers Tanzania this? No country farmer groups hii.Katika this country each farmer cultivates itself, "he added Kessy.
Speaking at the meeting, the Chairman of the PAC, Zitto Kabwe, said the committee is ijaridhishwa and expenditure and the implementation of the project of subsidies on fertilizers and inputs that will be taken on the issue in the Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture to be taken a step, if the project continue or be suspended.
"The project has spent more than 574 billion loan and the ministry says it still exists in a pilot program of improvement. Exposed to other currencies will improve more! Remember these are loan funds from the World Bank and it should tuzilipe, "stressed Zitto.
Due to the prevailing situation, Zitto said the current committee will visit the regions of Njombe, Iringa and Ruvuma where, among other things, will meet with the public to verify whether the fertilizer subsidy had reached or not.
"On this we ended up here. Tunaiagiza Office of the Controller and Auditor General of Government (CAG) to examine this issue and all will be involved promptly, "said Zitto.
In the meeting, the committee members noted that the project is a loss to the nation; they cited the non-seed supply and quality, the presence of names of farmers who have received vouchers, while others were allegedly given the same type of fertilizer.
The meeting was yesterday also were told that there were cases ukusanywaji revenue which is banked.
In other action, the delegates noted that the compost produced by the factory Minjingu lack quality and ziwezeshi urutubishwaji land for agriculture.
Responding to the question of Zitto who wanted to know the purpose of the project is exactly what the government decided against using the money to build factories in fertilizers would create and how many? Director General of the Food and Drug Authority, Dr. Susan Ikerra said, the cost of construction of the plant will depend on what type of fertilizer to be generated.
Responding to a question related to fertilizer Minjingu said; "If Minjingu does not work, now farmers are free to use a fertilizer that will be."

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