Saturday, March 19, 2016


Explosive bomb occurred in the house in which he lives Zanzibar Commissioner of Police, Omar Hamdan existing Arid Kijichi Unguja Urban West Region.
The blast which claimed to resemble a bomb exploded last week immobilization occurred last night at 5:00 and kuezua roof of the house.
Confirming occur in the blast, said Commissioner Arid no effects were found for the family unless, they are who received a bruise and some nails tread fallen from the roof.
"It is true yesterday (Monday) at my home at 5:00 at night there was a huge explosion on the roof of the house fervent heat; this explosion is not normal and we check to see if it is a problem with a bomb similar to the muddled," he said.
However, he said a full investigation is underway, but the police force would prove engages witch hunt to identify who made the event, to take action against.
He said this is too dangerous for the explosions happen and definitely shows that the perpetrators have been prepared, but the police force is litavumilia and such behavior will stop.
"This is a dangerous and scary as Commissioner, has blown to who will be left and we will leave to see this inongezeka, we will begin work to this practice to end, we do not mean to someone, we will not be ashamed of someone nor shame, but we will not oppress it must issue should stop with characters taken action," he said.
Referring to strengthen the defense said the military action, request an extension of the protection of the Tanzania People's Defence Force (TPDF), is due to the threat of danger lililotanda Isles.
He said the police force, its main function is to protect citizens and their property and to ensure the security situation in order to see the country they live in security.
Arid Commissioner said after emerging for various events, including explosions and other indicators of the crime, the police force in conjunction with other security forces has decided to increase the strength of the defense in all areas of the country.
He said the decision is in line for patrolling, accelerate collection kiintelejisia information and do searches in the suspicious use of organized criminal acts or that cause fear in society.
He urged citizens to remove the fear to the increasing presence of its troops, the situation is done in good faith to promote peace in the country.
"Our army believes that the act of appearing to many soldiers in various areas is an encouragement to good citizens who obey the law would not be coerced, although on the other hand it is a nuisance to those used to commit the crime due to lack of opportunities to make their appearance," he said.
In other action Arid Commissioner has supported the action of the Northern Region, Pemba Khamis Othman Omar urging the citizens of the region finished their activities at 2:00 at night.
He said any orders issued by the leader of the authority is valid because she has a bond with the law authorizes it.
Arid Commissioner said the head of the region has done such order, especially since any head of any region he was the Chairman of the Security in its region.
Commenting on the vote in elections to the destination to be held on Sunday, said that a citizen who has decided he is going to vote to go and who is not ready to relax at his home and the police force is litamlazimisha person.
"If you go to vote, you do not want it forced by someone, but do not go out and commit acts of violence for this we will not leave it," he said.
He said the police force will ensure that the election takes place in peace and quiet and no one will dare to introduce violence, or make a symbolic act of breach of the peace will deal a hand of dollars and taken action in accordance with the law.
The poll is repeated after the general election held on October 25 in last for the whole country to enter defects in Zanzibar and the National Electoral Commission (ZEC), ordered the repeated elections.
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